Dove ognuno è QUALCUNO da amare.
"Edith Stein" Istitute
2 Tim 2:15 "Study to show thyself approved unto God..."
The "St. Edith Stein" training institute is an educational institution deeply rooted in the teachings of Jesus Christ, which aims to prepare spiritually, pastorally and theologically for ministry those who are called to serve the people of God in the Churches and is addressed both to persons already ordained and to lay people as well as to candidates for orders.
Core values
Motto: "Credo ut intelligam, intelligo ut credam”.
Our mission is rooted in our three fundamental values: research (existential \ intellectual), prayer, service. The search for God through the deepening of his Word is the fulcrum and the motive of all our actions and initiatives of cultural, intellectual and human formation. From research springs contemplation, which is a wonder for the multifaceted wisdom of God, which manifests itself in the splendid variety and creativity of reality.
Learning almost becomes an act of worship. Education must be sought, not as a means to glorify the ego, but as a process to deepen our attitude of "fear and trembling" towards our God. St. Jerome writes that "ignorance of the Scriptures is ignorance of Christ".
Saint Paul invites us to "pray incessantly". When our actions are performed in complete communion with God, our whole life is transformed into continuous prayer.
Jesus reminds his disciples that "the Son of man did not come to be served but to serve and to give his life as a ransom for many". Let us try to live this invitation of Jesus by serving God and humanity, especially the least of the earth, in whatever state of life the Holy Spirit calls us.
Building the Body of Christ, building a holy building, made of living stones, through the preparation of all the ministers of the Royal Priesthood of Our Lord, while aware of the intrinsic limits of human knowledge, as expressed in the words of St. Thomas Aquinas : "Love resumes where knowledge stops".
Goals and objectives
The "E. Stein" Seminary is an educational institution under the responsibility of the Inclusive Anglican Episcopal Church. The IAEC is an independent Anglican Church. We are theologically and liturgically close to Anglo-Catholicism, but fully inclusive: we define ourselves, in principle, "progressive Anglo-Catholic", which is why we are able to provide an educational program that, with conviction, also embraces the presuppositions of Catholic doctrine , as well as Anglican and Protestant, with particular attention to the human sciences.
Every call from God to ministry must always be followed by a solid educational formation that promotes transformational leadership. A vocation is a life changing experience of the disciple, but it is only the beginning of our fascinating journey, not the end.
All our courses, seminars and activities are open to lay people, members of all Christian churches or men and women, simply, in search.
Teachers and staff are volunteers
We understand the different needs of our students and female students, so we offer flexibility in the delivery of courses.